Vest Solano

You Can Help!


By supporting the Victims Empowerment Support Team with a gift, you will be providing vital assistance to adults and children in our community who need to escape domestic violence and/or deal with the trauma of sexual assault. VEST is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and your tax deductible donation goes directly to services we provide. These include emergency shelter, support groups for victims of violence and/or abuse, court advocacy and transitional housing. Please join us to support life-saving programs that can make a real difference in victims lives.


You Can Donate Online – Our online donation form lets you make a one-time gift donation or you can choose to make monthly installments. We accept online donations made by credit card.

You Can Donate by Mail – Simply send your check to our mailing addresses:
Attn: VEST 604 Empire Street, Fairfield, CA 94533

Organize a Giving Program in Your Workplace – Find out if your employers have non-profit donation programs that allow you to select the charity of your choice for donations to be made through automatic payroll deductions. Ask if they also have a matching program.

Bequests/Trusts – Another way to give is to consider making a planned donation to VEST in your will or living trust. Bequests can be made in cash, securities, real property or personal property. Alternatively, you can make a contribution from your estate or trust. Your estate will receive a charitable tax deduction for the full value of the donation. Please consult your estate planning counsel to find out how you can give through a bequest or through your trust.


VEST also respectfully also accepts non-monetary donations that we can use either for our clients in need, or to assist in running our program. Please see our VEST Wish List page to learn more about what donated goods we can use.

One of the most valuable assets you could help VEST with is your time. Please see our How to Volunteer Page to learn how you can help. Just a few minutes of your time a month may make the critical difference in a person’s or family’s life.